Virtual Nest Bundle

4 Week Baby Bundle

On Trial and becoming a best seller :)

Virtual Nest Bundle

£497 (£597)


2 x 60 min virtual consultations for troubleshooting to use within 4 weeks along with What's App support


4 x 30 min virtual consultations to establish breastfeeding from day 0

  • Virtual consults

    Use each consult to work your way through new developmental milestones as and when you need throughout your 4 week baby bundle

  • Additional bespoke guidance

    Create a What's App group for you and me, where you can add photos, videos, voice notes or anything else you want my help with

  • Quick phone calls

    When you just need to hear a voice at the end of the line that can help you work through your options and find one that works for you

  • PDF pathways

    As they are created and are relevant to you and your baby because sometimes it's just nice to know where you're going and what else to expect

  • £497 (£597)

Virtual Nest Bundle

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